We help leaders further develop their strengths and address growth areas.
Amplify effectiveness and impact.
Boost management skills.
Achieve goals.
Navigate critical inflection points.
Leveraging Leaders is providing individual and team coaching to the Sacramento City instructional superintendent team, to evolve principal development efforts and facilitate transformational, culturally responsive change across the district.
Leveraging Leaders partnered with the senior team to build a rubric and develop a 360-degree reflection and feedback process for IAL leaders, grounded in the school's character values of honesty, integrity, responsibility, caring and restraint.
We offer a broad range of supports to build leader and organizational capacity.
Plan strategically for the future.
Cultivate cultural competence & anti-racism.
Draft and refine policies and protocols
Evaluate/improve programs.
Leveraging Leaders completed a comprehensive evaluation of BCS's afterschool programs, sharing findings and recommendations with BCS senior leadership. Leveraging Leaders facilitated a series of professional development sessions with afterschool program directors to advance the quality of student learning and engagement across all sites.
Leveraging Leaders designed the growing network's first expanded K-8 model. The new school application received SUNY Charter Schools Institute's top ranking, and Amber was granted one of the last 7 charters available in NYC. Amber Inwood was successfully launched in fall 2021.
We provide cohort learning experiences for leaders to share expertise and experiences.
Evolve a culture of inclusion & equity.
Develop & retain valued staff members.
Grow leaders & strengthen teams.
Leveraging Leaders, in partnership with Schools That Can and with generous support from the Walton Family Foundation, developed and facilitated the STC Emerging Leaders Fellowship, a cross-sector, multi-year initiative to foster leadership development within schools.
Leveraging Leaders engaged networks of elementary and high schools in structured collaborations to accelerate student learning and eliminate racial disparities, through the Learning Partners Program.
Since 2011, Leveraging Leaders has partnered with many schools and organizations:
Academy for Careers in Television & Film High School
Achievement First Charter Schools
Amani Charter School
Amber Charter Schools
Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter School
Bronx Aerospace High School
Bronx Community Charter School
Bronx Charter School for Better Learning
Bronxdale High School
Bronx Envision High School
Brooklyn Community Services
Brooklyn Theater and Arts High School
Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School
City on a Hill Charter Schools
CoLAB Learning
Community Charter School of Paterson
Concourse Village Elementary School
EPIC North High School
Ethical Community Charter School
Evergreen Charter School
4.0 Schools
Future Leaders Institute Charter School
Girls Prep Middle School
Hebrew Public - Charter Schools for Global Citizens
Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School
Launch Expeditionary Learning Charter School
Manhattan Charter School 2
Merrick Academy Charter School
Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School
METS Charter School
NYC DOE Charter Schools Office
NYC DOE Learning Partners Program
New Orleans Parish School Board
Men of Color in Educational Leadership (MCEL)
NYS Education Department Charter School Office
New York French American Charter School
New Jersey Charter Schools Association
P.S. 277 Elementary School
P.S. 35 Franz Siegel Elementary School
P.S. 49 Willis Avenue Elementary School
Robert Stevenson School
St. Ignatius School
Sacramento City Unified School District
Schools That Can
Storefront Academy Harlem
Storefront Academy Charter School
SUNY Charter Schools Institute
The Leadership Academy
UP Education Network
Unity Charter School
VOICE Charter School
WHIN Community Charter School